Entradas por letradox

Externalizar servicios jurídicos en LETRADOX Abogados

Externalizar servicios jurídicos en LETRADOX® Abogados   Descubra por qué es mejor externalizar los servicios jurídicos en LETRADOX® Abogados que tener un Departamento Legal en su empresa.  (English version below) VÍDEO:     –Ahorre costes y gane eficiencia. -Asesoramiento legal integral e inmediato, multicanal. -Asesoramiento y defensa en procedimientos judiciales y arbitrales nacionales e internacionales. […]

Abogados inmigración. Immigration attorneys. Invest. LETRADOX®

If you are looking for immigration lawyers in Spain to invest or reside in our country; with professionalism and experience. Letradox® is the solution.
Do you want to come to live or invest in Spain? Our experienced immigration attorneys can help you.
We can help you whether you come from an EU Member State or from other countries.
You can see the information in our article on the requirements in each case.