
Luis Zahera Premio al Gallego del año. Cinemalaw.

La Asociación de Periodistas gallegos homenajea a Luis Zahera con el Premio al Gallego del año con la asistencia de los socios de Cinemalaw. 


Los socios de Cinemalaw – Letradox, Mercedes de Parada y Marcos Rivas, asisten a la entrega del Premio Gallego del Año a Luis Zahera. Durante el acto se realizó esta  instantánea del que es el actor español del momento con nuestra tarjeta de Cinemalaw- Letradox.

Desde Cinemalaw protegemos a los creadores y sus obras, a productoras y actores, en todas las ramas del Derecho y especialmente en las relacionadas con el ámbito audiovisual.



Co-produce with Spain. CINEMALAW LAWYERS

Co-produce with Spain

In the current dynamics of the Spanish film industry, co-productions are gaining strength year after year. In the last ten years (2005-2015), there have been 560 co-productions of feature films with foreign countries.
What are international co-productions?
They are those films made in co-production with foreign companies, which are governed by the applicable international agreements or, failing that, by the general rules established in the Regulations of the Cinema Law.
Why co-produce with Spain?
Co-productions governed by international agreements are considered national productions, so access to funding sources is the same as for purely national productions.
Fuente Ministerio Cultura España.
Lawyers / Attorneys Cinema
Tlfs 912980061 / 645958948
C/Jorge Juan 141 Madrid, Spain.