
Abogados inmigración. Immigration attorneys. Invest. LETRADOX®

Abogados inmigración. Immigration attorneys. Invest. LETRADOX® Lawyers

If you are looking for immigration lawyers in Spain to invest or reside in our country; with professionalism and experience. Letradox® is the solution.

Do you want to come to live or invest in Spain? Our experienced immigration attorneys can help you.

We can help you whether you come from an EU Member State or from other countries.

You can see the information in our article on the requirements in each case.

Whether you want to work in Spain, invest, buy property or want to rest, we will study and solve your case.

See our video with the information and with videos of some of the most spectacular places in southern Spain:





We summarize the cases in which Citizens of a Member State of the European Union, of a State party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area and Switzerland who meet the requirements described will have the right to reside in Spain on a permanent basis.

Accredit one of the following conditions:

ASSUMPTION 1: having legally resided in Spain for a continuous period of five years. For these purposes, legal residence will be considered that in which, during the last five years, the person proves:

     Employee in Spain, or

    Have been a self-employed worker in Spain, or

     Sufficient financial resources

     Have been a student and have been enrolled in a public or private center

    Be a national of a Member State, family member accompanying a citizen of the Union or the European Economic Area, who meets one of the above conditions.


  2: having been a self-employed worker or an employee and having ceased their activity due to having reached the age established in Spanish legislation for accessing retirement with the right to a pension.

ASSUMPTION 3: have been an employee and have ceased to occupy the paid activity due to early retirement, when they have carried out their activity in Spain for at least the last twelve months and have resided in Spain continuously for more than three years.

 4: having been a self-employed or employed worker and having ceased to carry out their activity as a result of permanent disability, having resided in Spain for more than two years without interruption.

ASSUMPTION 5: having been a self-employed or employed worker and after three consecutive years of continuous activity and residence in Spain, you carry out your activity in another Member State, maintaining your residence in Spain, returning to Spanish territory daily or, at least, once a week.

 6: being a national of a State of the Union and family member (spouse or registered de facto partner, direct descendant or of their spouse or partner under 21 years of age or incapable or older than that age who lives in their care, or direct ascendant or of their spouse or registered partner who lives in their charge) of the self-employed worker or employee who acquires permanent residence by meeting the requirements of ASSUMPTIONS 2, 3, 4 or 5 mentioned.

Immigration Attorneys



Citizens of other States

If you are a citizen of another country (not a member of the European Union) you can also come to Spain to reside if you meet certain requirements. Find out from our lawyers about the conditions for entry, stay, studies, residence, family reunification, residence and work and other authorisations that foreign citizens from third countries can obtain, without prejudice to the provisions of special laws and international treaties to which Spain is a party.

– Stay in Spain. Stay in Spain for a period of no more than 90 days (except in the case of studies, non-labour practices or volunteering).

– Temporary residence. Residence in Spain without employment.

– Family reunification.

– Residence and work in Spain.

– Students, stays for research or training, student mobility, non-work placements and voluntary work. Information on residence for foreigners who wish to carry out any of these activities in Spain and for their family members.

– Residence authorisations for exceptional circumstances (cases of roots, humanitarian reasons, minors under guardianship who reach the age of majority without authorisation and authorisations for women who are victims of gender violence).

– Temporary residence for foreigners who have voluntarily returned to their country. Authorisation for residence or residence and work that foreigners who have returned to their country of origin voluntarily or on the basis of a voluntary return programme may obtain, once the period of validity of the non-return commitment has expired.

– Modifying an authorisation. Information on modifications of authorisations.

– Long-term residence. Authorisation to reside in Spain indefinitely and to work under the same conditions as Spaniards.

– Return authorisation. Allows you to leave Spain and return within a period of no more than 90 days.

– Minors. Information on procedures related to foreign minors.

– Renewal of authorisations.

– Collective management of hiring at origin. Collective management allows the hiring of workers who are not in Spain and do not reside in Spain, selected in their countries of origin based on generic offers presented by employers.

– Youth mobility agreements.



Citizens of other States: authorisations linked to the world of business and talent.


In the event that you want to come to Spain in these cases, we will explain the entry and residence conditions for foreign citizens who want to invest and undertake business in Spain as well as those working as highly qualified professionals, intra-corporate transferees, researchers and professors hired by universities, higher education and research bodies or centres or business schools in Spain (regulated in Law 14/2013, of 27 September, on support for entrepreneurs and their internationalisation).




We have produced a specific article on the conditions of entry of foreigners to shoot a film in Spain (from our CINEMALAW® Department in which we deal with specific legal issues in the audiovisual field).





Do you want to come to live in Spain? Our experienced immigration attorneys can help you.

We can help you whether you come from an EU Member State or from other countries.

You can see the information in our article on the requirements in each case.

Whether you want to work in Spain, invest, buy property or want to rest, we will study and solve your case.

Our lawyers have already helped hundreds of people like you to come to Spain legally.

We have a complete team of lawyers and our office, based in Madrid, has offices in the main Spanish cities.

Our experience and professionalism will allow you to know that you are well advised for you, your family and your business.

Leading business people already trust us with their residency in Spain. Our team is waiting for you to meet us, without obligation, to get to know us and explain our way of working.

You enjoy Spain and take care of your business and we will take care of the rest.

The peace of mind of knowing that you are in good hands.


Call us or write to us so that we can advise you on your case and that you can reside in Spain.



LETRADOX® Lawyers / Attorneys

Immigration Attorneys

Phones/ Fax 912980061  Mobile:  +34 645958948

Email: info@letradox.es

Address: Jorge Juan St. number 141, 3rd floor, 28028 Madrid (Spain)



Immigration Attorneys

El sector inmobiliario y Crisis Covid19. LETRADOX Abogados

El sector inmobiliario y Crisis Covid19. LETRADOX Abogados




El otro día nos llamó la atención en el equipo la siguiente noticia que leímos en los medios de comunicación:

(Noticia de El País: Hermès factura en un día 2,5 millones en una tienda en China abierta tras el confinamiento. Después de dos meses de encierro se formaron grandes colas ante esta firma de lujo ).

Pues bien, esta noticia no hace sino reafirmar  que el sector del lujo saldrá reforzado y experimentará un exponencial crecimiento en los próximos meses, como ya ocurrió en la crisis del año 2008. ¿Pero qué ocurrirá con el sector inmobiliario?

La actual inversión se ha desplomado (datos de marzo y abril de 2020), y los que deseen vender su vivienda a corto plazo es posible que no encuentren un comprador que esté dispuesto a darles el precio que solicitan. La incertidumbre es alta y por ello en estos meses no se han llevado a cabo las transacciones habituales. Ahora bien, es probable que la situación varíe sustancialmente.

En los próximos meses se abre un panorama favorable para aquellos inversores inmobiliarios. Igualmente, el panorama a medio plazo será propicio para las tecnologías aplicadas al sector, tal y como ya anunciaba la abogada Mercedes de Parada en esta charla con expertos proptech Link:https://www.letradox.com/sin-categoria/letradox-metrovacesa-y-adevinta-el-futuro-y-las-inmobiliarias/ 

Link:  https://www.lawyerpress.com/2019/11/29/meetup-proptech-real-estate-real-challenge/

o bien en esta otra ante representantes de fondos de inversión:


Tan importante como la propia operación inmobiliaria, es el marco regulatorio aplicable y el correcto asesoramiento jurídico y fiscal de la operación, que en Letradox llevamos a cabo con nuestros clientes.  Por ejemplo, la deducción por adquisición de vivienda habitual permite, con carácter general, desgravar el 15% del dinero aportado en el año fiscal, siempre sobre una base máxima de 9.040 euros, lo que deja el máximo que el contribuyente se puede deducir hasta un máximo de 1.356 euros.

En el caso de clientes extranjeros, recordemos que se puede obtener la residencia en España por la compra de un inmueble de lujo, con una serie de requisitos. (Noticia El País: El 42% de casas de lujo compradas por extracomunitarios sirvió para obtener un permiso de residencia. España batió en 2018 por quinto año consecutivo el récord de visados de oro) . GOLDEN VISA 

Por último, les aconsejamos ver este vídeo que resume los 10 aspectos fundamentales antes de comprar una vivienda: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxYaBj9FMqk

realizado por nuestro equipo, a quien puede consultar para que le asesoremos sobre su operación inmobiliaria en particular, ya sea de una vivienda, oficina, edificio o promoción urbanística.

La crisis económica originada por el Covid-19 y la consecuente paralización de la economía abre una situación extraordinaria que no resultará ajena al sector inmobiliario. Los riesgos y oportunidades están ahí, encima de la mesa, y cómo se gestione y aprovechen determinará el futuro de muchas compañías de todo el mundo y en especial en España.

If you have a legal or regulatory question or require general guidance about the commercial implications of COVID-19 for your business, LETRADOX S.L.P. Lawyers can help you. With the aim of keeping our clients informed about the new regulatory measures, we have prepared an update of the COVID-19 Articles in our blog (www.letradox) , which includes a selection of recently-approved regulations.

Contact us info@letradox.es




El sector inmobiliario y Crisis Covid19. LETRADOX Abogados